Военная доктрина является военным и, в особенности, тактическим мировоззрением; доктрина создаёт убеждения, в которых - душа всякого действия.
 Военный Информатор.  Основы военной доктрины
arrow   Photo  arrow   Top Ten Armoured personnel carrier 8x8 BTR-3 Photo

Type : Specifications :
Designation : BTR-3
Manufactured by : SOE Kharkiv Morozov Machine Building Design Bureau - KMDB
Qnt. Customer : Ukraine
Weight (kg) 16400
Crew 3
Troops 6
Length (mm) 7650
Width (mm) 2900
Height (mm) 2860
Main weapon caliber (mm) 30
Ammunition of the main gun 350
Auxiliary gun calibre (mm) 7.62
Ammunition of the auxiliary gun 2500
Grenade launcher calibre (mm) 30
Ammunition of the grenade launcher 116
Number of guided missiles 4
Engine power output (h.p.) 326
Max. road speed (km/h) 85
Max. swim speed (km/h) 8
Max. road range (km) 600
Operating temperature, max (degree, C) 55
Operating temperature, min (degree, C) -15
Gradient (%) 60
Side slope (%) 30
Vertical obstance (mm) 500
Trench (mm) 2000
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